
DGrade Factory. Photo credit: TOMRA

Sorting plants

TOMRA Recycling chosen as equipment provider of DGrade’s new sorting plant in Abu Dhabi

2:80 min Middle EastSorting and collection
Mülheim-Kärlich, Germany

DGrade opened its first sorting facility situated in Abu Dhabi to produce high-quality recycled plastic content for the industries with the help of TOMRA’s AUTOSORT® and AUTOSORT® FLAKE.

Under the name “DGrade Recycling Factory Launch: Supporting a Closed-loop for Plastic Bottles”, DGrade has held an opening ceremony on March 23   to celebrate the establishment of its PET bottle and flake sorting plant that features TOMRA’s most advanced plastic sorting systems.

The new plant started operating on March 20 and targets to process 3 tons of PET per hour with the latest equipment including one AUTOSORT® unit for pre-sorting and one AUTOSORT® FLAKE for subsequent flake purification. The high-purity flakes are then processed by DGrade and turned into the company’s Greenspun™ yarn for sustainable clothing or sold to local converters who use the recycled content to produce new packaging.

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