Piovan Summiteer Oktober 2024


RETAL Iberia gains ISO50001 energy certificate

Limassol, Cyprus

The ISO50001:2018 energy certificate has recently been awarded to RETAL Iberia following an external audit.

Quality manager Xavi Mora says, “This international standard is a tool to support us improve on energy consumption by developing and implementing an energy management system. The aim of this certification is to for continual improvement when it comes to energy consumption and efficiency.” 

The process of gaining the certificate involved the whole of the Girona-based facility, with the production zone, offices, storehouses and all processes assessed. During the audit, different simulations were done to see what consumptions are the most important in the plant’s processes, giving an opportunity to identify improvement measures to increase efficiency. 

Successful audit 

This analysis was followed by an evaluation, with a strict process of documentation, checks and improvements implemented on the actual plant system. Only once this was complete, could the audit from the certification body be granted.  

Mora adds, “Everybody is involved in this process; we all use energy, so everybody must know that they can contribute to reducing the energy consumption, from switching off the lights, changing the climatization of the different areas, reaching more efficient production procedures or implementing new controls or even changing some equipment for new ones. To reach new goals, we all have to participate!”

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