Piovan Summiteer Oktober 2024

InnoPET Blomax Series III (Photo credit: Atlantic Droga Kolinska)

Process control

Boosting efficiency and production reliability: KHS modernizes the control unit on its stretch blow molder

3:50 min Two step blow moulding systems
Dortmund, Germany

  • Active discontinuation management avoids unplanned downtime
  • ReDiS remote maintenance system for customers automatically integrated
  • Holistic service for fast project implementation

It is the brains of a machine: without a control unit your bottling system can neither mold nor fill your containers. When suppliers notify a discontinuation of such components – such as the control unit on our KHS InnoPET Blomax Series III in the current instance – in the worst case production can grind to a halt. In order to avoid this – and unnecessary costs – the Dortmund engineering company is offering an upgrade for its stretch blow molder. Customers such as Slovenian bottler Atlantic Droga Kolinska are thus profiting from KHS’ holistic services and not only increasing their production reliability but also significantly boosting their efficiency. Proactive installation of the KHS ReDiS remote maintenance system in the course of the conversion also helps to further cut process costs.

Customers across the globe value the many years of service given by KHS machines. This is no different when it comes to the third generation of KHS stretch blow molding technology which was already heralded as one of the pioneers on the market back at the turn of the century. Hundreds of these machines are still in successful operation at customer plants all over the world. For its existing clients KHS offers a conversion of the control unit to modern components, a step made necessary by the discontinuation and thus cessation of production of the same by the former supplier. The number of available spare parts will thus decrease as a result. If there is a machine failure, downtimes could last longer and repairs may not always be possible – or when they are, they may take up a vast amount of time and effort. “We therefore urgently advise all users to replace their control unit. Ignoring this could prove expensive,” says Dennis Jacobi, service sales manager and expert for conversions at KHS in Hamburg, Germany.

Control unit upgrade successfully completed

One of the first customers to opt for a machine conversion on one of its two InnoPET Blomax Series III stretch blow molders at its Rogaška Slatina plant in the east of Slovenia is Atlantic Droga Kolinska. Here, premium Donat mineral water is filled into non-returnable PET bottles holding between 0.5 and 1.0 liters that comes from the springs of Rogaška Slatina and is named after the nearby mountain of Donačka Gora. It is valued as a healthy product for its combination of trace elements and good digestive properties. In order to safeguard the continuing production of perfect containers in the future, the control unit on the stretch blow molder – now more than 20 years old – was recently replaced. “Mechanically it’s in a sound condition; it’s the electronics that are showing their age. We want to carry on using our stretch blow molder for a good few years more despite its vintage. The conversion has now greatly reduced the risk of unplanned downtime. We’ve also ensured the reliability of production,” states Matic Javornik, manager of process automation for the Slovenian bottler.

The modernization was successfully completed in less than a week. Moreover, as part of its extensive range of services KHS experts supervise production on converted machines for five days in order to reliably adapt all processes on the machinery. “The support above and beyond this phase is equally exemplary,” Javornik smiles.

Long-term availability of parts

By converting its plant engineering the Slovenian beverage producer has secured the availability of parts in the long term, plus it benefits from lower costs for any necessary spare parts. Moreover, both the software and visualization have been brought up to the minute, thus making operation easier thanks to the intuitive operator panel, for example. KHS also offers its existing customers further advantages above and beyond the actual conversion. “With the new control unit we’ve gained lots more functions that are comparable with newer-generation machines,” claims Javornik. Unlike its predecessor, the installed system now has a Bluetooth link instead of rotary connectors that to date were something of a challenge to maintain. While replacing the control components, the systems provider also installed the intelligent ReDiS remote maintenance system free of charge. “As with replacement of the control unit, this reduces the risk of machine downtime as remote maintenance enables advice and support from service engineers to be given regardless of the actual location,” Jacobi explains. “Any errors in the production process can therefore be detected in good time and remedied much more efficiently.” Costly travel arrangements for assignments on site are also a thing of the past.

“We offer our customers an attractive complete package that not only increases production reliability but also boosts process efficiency. They also receive intensive support from their initial inquiry through to implementation,” he continues. “We have exactly the right solution for each container and beverage segment in our discontinuation management program.” This holistic and extensive approach is exactly what Matic Javornik from Atlantic Droga Kolinska appreciates. Ultimately, however, it’s not just the service provided by KHS that has the Slovenians convinced but also the machines themselves. This is why Atlantic Droga Kolinska is planning on further modernizing its production setup in the near future together with KHS.

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