
(Photo credi: Avient)


Avient debuts next-generation solutions to facilitate use of recycled plastics in packaging applications

1:35 min Additives
Cleveland,OH, United States

Avient Corporation introduced its breakthrough PCR Color Prediction Service for polyolefins and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resins, and the company’s new polyolefin antioxidants, Cesa Nox A4R Additives for Recycling.

These sustainability solutions are specifically designed to improve the customer experience of working with post-consumer recycled (PCR) content for materials used in packaging. Both align with the eight ways Avient helps customers be more sustainable.

“Avient is fully committed to increasing opportunities to expand the use of recycled polymers, addressing any barriers that arise either during the recycling process or when customers want to incorporate PCR content into existing or new applications,” said Norbert Merklein, vice president and general manager for the Europe, Middle East and Africa regions of Color, Additives and Inks at Avient. "Our Cesa Nox A4R Additives for Recycling, together with the PCR Color Prediction Service, help overcome these roadblocks. These are two new ways Avient is contributing to the circular economy and empowering customers to meet their sustainability goals."

Calculating the Color Gamut

The PCR Color Prediction Service, helps brand owners understand what colors are achievable based on the amount of PCR used. It uses sophisticated technology to determine - through prior color matching - if colors are feasible in a new application that incorporates PCR content. A first of its kind for the plastics industry, this internally developed solution also calculates how much PCR content can be added to an existing application without affecting its signature color.

Using proprietary software, Avient experts measure resin characteristics to identify the gamut of colors that can be successfully reproduced in a specific PCR-based material. This premium service simplifies and accelerates the selection of preferred colors for polymers with PCR content, avoiding time-consuming trial and error. By speeding the evaluation process, the service also gives greater flexibility to customers that may need to switch from one PCR content source to another, which is especially important due to today’s supply variability.

Increasing the Stability of PCR Content

Avient’s new Cesa Nox A4R Additives for Recycling are based on a special formulation that protects post-consumer polyolefins against oxidation, which can lead to defects like black spots, gels and discoloration. The antioxidant can be added to PCR content early in the recycling process or incorporated in virgin resin to prepare it for future recycling.

Cesa Nox A4R Additives for Recycling deliver excellent value. They use a let-down ratio that is half of what is required for standard antioxidants. Applications for polyolefins stabilized with this additive include packaging, automotive parts and consumer goods.

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